Why We Run

Kelly Lieberman is Running Again

Beth Baker Season 2 Episode 6

A lot has happened since Kelly and I first met a million years ago in my Couch to 5k Club. She did the 5k and trained for her first marathon, when this happened. She went on the complete a marathon and then another one. She got married, moved to New Jersey, got on the cover of Runner's World magazine, had a movie made about her and was all set to run the Boston Marathon with her husband and her mom when covid hit. 

And as many of us did,  she stopped running. 

But she's back and we talk about what's new, what's different as she is molting her old identity as Kelly Herron and into Kelly Lieberman. She's taking on the new challenge of training for a half marathon with no time goal to shoot for. We also talk about her role of being a bonus mom, and the parallels of running and staying sober. 

Kelly is really one of my most favorite humans and I always enjoy chatting with her, and giggling.