Why We Run

Michael Calore Is Running the Streets of San Francisco

Beth Baker Season 2 Episode 2

What a treat to interview one of my best friends!

Michael Calore (@snackfight) is a newish runner, but not new to being the senior editor and writer @Wired, playing music or being a co-host @GadgetLab. 

He got into running after a health scare and stayed with it after learning 4 lessons: 

  • Shoes (ON running shoes)
  • Nutrition (Not Beer)
  • Special (Spoken) Mantra 
  • Sound Coaching Advice (From Me!)

He also talks about what he listens to while he's running on the streets of San Francisco.

We also converse about the magical powers of death metal.

Here's his special death metal playlist: Run Or Die. Enjoy!

Want to start or restart your running? Our new Couch to 5k Club opens on 6/14.
-> You can get on the list, so you'll be the first to know when it opens here: https://runningevolution.com/couchto5k